hello it is leen
ellequeue is a name that came from my initials LQ, and that is how it is pronounced.
I am a dreamy, happy, realistic, perfectionist, loving soul. I love writing, reading, photography, decorating, design and travelling. I refuse to settle for the ordinary, no matter how big or small it has on my life. when I love I love with all of my heart and when I don't things get very complicated. I am not an easy person, but that is what makes me worth your while.
why I am here
I opened a blog I called 'daughter of perfection' back in 2012 for the sole purpose of documenting my life to my future self and maybe children. and I am coming back to blogging for the same reason and I regret ever stopping.
reading through old posts I just think of the 'me' at that time and what her reaction would be if she knows the things today 'me' knew. and that is the motive of it all.
I changed the name because I have realised that my parents are not perfect, they are flawed and calling them perfect would be a disgrace to all the imperfect things they have been through to become who they are today. so you can say, my emotional attachment has faded.
my childhood
I was born in 1993 to two very different but loving newlywed parents. when I was 1, my parents started to notice it is taking me too long to walk and took me to a doctor, unwilling to work, or whatever, he said there was nothing wrong. my parents still took me to get a scan and even they could see the medical name is Developmental dysplasia of the hip, it means that the ball and socket joint of the hip does not form properly. nowadays it's a common condition and most babies are checked a few months after birth and are made to wear a Pavlik harness for a few months, but in my case, it was discovered too late and had to be fixed with multiple surgeries. from there my parents spent the first 5 years of their life taking me back and forth to hospitals in Germany for my treatment, and I spent a good amount of my childhood in either a cast or harness. I only feel bad for my parents to have to go through all of that at an early stage of their marriage and I wish it wasn't so.
four years after giving birth to me my parents gave me a sister. I protected her and loved her with all I have of power and still do.
today we are a family of 4 sisters who are all unique and special like our parents raised us to be, this little weird family is everything to me.
my own family
on the 14th of June 2012, I first saw the man who changed my life. I never knew he existed and for the next 3 years of my life, I couldn't imagine he was going to take over all of it.
We went from complete strangers to friends to best friends in a few months. having had a very bad experience with best friends all my life; when he filled that position I was just waiting for the day he leaves. we both had our own personal lives, he was a year younger and the idea of actually being together never crossed our minds once. when I was preparing to leave to germany in 2015 and his plan was to leave to germany right after I come back I planned to live the final days with this man in my life, because, no wonder, after two years apart, we could never stay the friends we are. I started to cherish every moment until I finally packed my bags and left. this was when we realised it would be impossible to live without one another and decided to start a forever promise by starting a relationship. two and half years, two of them apart later, we got engaged, and a year and half later we finally got married and could live the rest of our lives together.