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They say: You don't know the value of something until you lose it.

I did totally know the value of my parents, but I never imagined how hard it is being in charge of a house!

My parents are off to Turkey for about a week. Me and my sisters are staying at home, and our aunt came to sleepover.

Today I realised how bad I am with housework haha. I do need to work on myself there!

Well nothing really happened today, and I'm in my pyjamas since the morning, so no ootd either!

Which left me with the choice of: what's in my bag!

An anon on reminded me of it, thank you anon! perfect timing! you saved today's blog!

I'm not the kind of girl with every little thing in her bag from cream to gum. I sometimes leave the house with only my wallet and my camera.

But this is what I have most of the time.

I carry two bags, one for my laptop.

And one that has:

-My camera (Sniper)

-My wallet, which I get excited over every time I open it, I love it!

-My car keys, which are attached to many keychains from my awesome friends.

-My glasses. I really don't keep them in a case or anything, I just throw them around, they're awesome and didn't break yet!

- My headset, to listen to music when I'm not in the mood on the run.

And that's it really.. my bag never has more than this..

That's all for today..

So much love.. Peace.


Is it enough to believe in something in order for it to become true? Is it enough to believe in someone in order for them to achieve what they want? Is it enough to believe in yourself in order to reach your goals? Or am I living in fairytale land?

I'm a believer, but will that be enough?

Cafe Hanin's Shawerma... One of the very best things on earth! It tastes like heaven! if you were ever not sure what to eat, go there and ask for chicken Shawema, you'll pray for me, I guarantee, best four JD's ever spent! And their fresh juices are just delicious! I really love that place, if it wasn't for the argeeleh, it would have been one of my favourite places ever!

Watched Monsters university today as well, I loved it! seeing my childhood characters in 3D was an awesome experience! It has a very lovely story and seriously cute characters! I awwed half of the movie and laughed the other half! A movie highly recommended for the lovers of part one.

That's all for today..

So much love.. Peace.


It's beyond imagination how hard it is being the older sister, It's when you stop thinking of yourself and start thinking: 'by doing this, am I being a good role model?'

Many moments in my life have passed and I think: 'I'm doing wrong!' and I know I am.. It just gets really hard most of the time, and even though I know it's wrong I still do it...

I don't know why I have this feeling about trying, I mean, I don't really care if I fail at everything as long as I have tried my best. I don't know if it's right or wrong. but in this case, I try my best to be the ideal older sister, and I don't really care if I fail most of the time...

Was a fun day with my sisters, my middle sister is down sick, so I took my other sisters out because mom was really busy with her. My little sister Dina is the funniest ever! she was screaming and singing until she saw my friends, within a second she transformed into a creature that is extremely quiet, and she didn't move from her position! it was still funny how shy she was haha. maybe one day she'll get along with them... Well, she has to because she's stuck with me forever, therefore, she is stuck with them too.

That's all for today..

So much love.. Peace.

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