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Why do we have those days when we just don't feel like doing anything? Or is it just me?

I mean, I'm not in a bad mood or anything, I just lost the desire to everything today... I spent the whole day at home and decided while I have time, to edit my blog.

As you can see, it brighter and happier! I guess...

That banner got me out of my brains! I spent about 5 hours working on it, and it just refuses to reach the sides.. got me totally nuts so I decided to leave it that way...

I hope you like the new layout, I do! please share your thoughts with me.

That's all for today..

So much love.. Peace.


So I've been saving money for over 2 years now, so I can get 2000 dollars to afford the D7000 camera.. And I finally got it! XD

I was super happy. and I still am :] I never leave it at home, even if I'm going to throw the trash.. I carry it around everywhere, Yet I take good care of it.


My origins get back to a mountainous country in the Caucasus. Circassia was located at the crossroads of Western Asia and Eastern Europe between the Black Sea and the Caspian Sea. That was all before the Russian army took over after The Circassian War that lasted a 101 years. After Circassians were brutally murdered and forced to leave their homes they left to Turkey, Syria, Jordan and many other countries around the world.

Our folklore dancing is our way to stay connected with our great history and to keep reminding ourselves that no matter how many years have passed since the war ended we are still the people we used to be and that we still have a home to go back to, and we are not giving up on that idea, not now, not ever.

Those are some photos I took during the Circassian Folklore concert.

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